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How to Select a Reliable VPN

You probably already know that using DuckDuckGo keeps your searches secret, but what about when you click on a search result? What happens then? Through your computer's virtual ID, websites you visit, Internet service providers (ISPs), and anybody else connected to your network can see what you'...

by Karm

Foreigners in Turkey: Permit to Reside

Permission to Reside in Turkey for Non-Turkish Nationals Turkish law governs six different sorts of resident licenses for foreigners who wish to stay in Turkey. These include working, learning, starting a business, diplomatic asylum, traveling, and so on. For foreigners residing in Turkey for more than 90 days, a residence...

by Karm

8 Best Mobile Messaging Apps

These days, it seems like everyone has a million ways to communicate - emailing, texting, or even using social media. But did you know that there are also these awesome new mobile messaging apps? These nifty little programs offer all the benefits of traditional texting but with additional features such...

by Karm

Turkey Reintroduces Tourist Declaration Forms and Fingerprint Collection for Some Nationalities

Certain nationalities, primarily those from non-OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries, will be required to submit tourist declaration forms and their fingerprints will be collected by migration officials upon their entrance to Turkey, according to the latest update from the migration department. The Turkish Directorate General of Migration...

by Karm
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