A trademark is a type of intellectual property that consists of a recognizable sign, design, or expression that identifies and distinguishes products or services from other sources. The owner of a trademark can be an individual, a business organization, or any legal entity.
Brand Registration Can Help You Protect Your Business
All brands have had the same goal since their inception: to grow and become one of the market's leading brands. Many different strategies, advertising, meeting customer needs in the best way possible, user-friendly website, well-managed social media accounts, and so on are required. Most articles you read will tell you that you need to register your brand in order to advance your brand. What exactly is trademark registration, and what advantages does it provide? As Nametescil, we have compiled for you in this article what is intriguing about trademark registration.
What is a trademark and how do I register one?
We define a brand as any sign that expresses your company and allows you to differentiate yourself from competitors in the market by expressing your corporate image to all people and organizations. In other words, what distinguishes you from competitors; words, packaging, logo, slogan, corporate identity, etc.; everything constitutes your brand. Creating your dream brand is a time-consuming, money-consuming, and labor-intensive process. Because brands do not take off immediately after birth. For a while, you must meet the needs of your brand, much like a newborn baby.
So, why should you get a trademark registration for your brand, which you are working hard to build?
Article 5 defines trademark registration as "providing that it enables to distinguish the goods or services of one undertaking from the goods or services of another undertaking, any markings, including the names of persons, which may be displayed by drawing, in particular words, shapes, letters, numbers, the form or packaging of the goods, or which may be expressed in a similar form, which may be published and reproduced by means of print, which may be published and reproduced by means of print, which may be published and reproduced by means of print
In other words, trademark registration serves to protect all of the rights to your brand, which you have invested time, effort, and money in growing. Trademark registration can protect any expression of your brand.
To ensure the continued existence of your business, you must be protected and legally guarantee all of your rights as a beneficiary. Certain laws and documents may provide this protection. If your trademark meets certain criteria and there are no legal objections, you can obtain a 10-year trademark registration certificate. This document must be renewed every ten years.
What Is the Importance of Trademark Registration?
Trademark registration is a document that protects everything about your brand and allows you to use the legal system when a situation arises that threatens your brand. If you come across malicious people or institutions that try to position themselves as your competitor in the market and imitate you exactly, your trademark registration will protect you. Because this document prevents situations that could jeopardize your brand's existence or reputation. As a result, if you encounter issues such as impersonation, you will both protect your reputation and avoid financial loss.
Many risks may arise if you do not register a trademark. The most frightening of these is the possibility that those who imitate your brand will make it appear as if they own it. Many businesses that have not registered their trademarks have encountered this issue and, unfortunately, have suffered severe losses.
If you do not register your trademark, you may face legal consequences as well as the loss of your trademark. Because if the malicious people who own the trademark obtain trademark registration, you will be unable to claim a legal right no matter how hard you work on your brand.
The Advantages of Trademark Registration
Imitation of business ideas and products is a widespread issue in our country. Some businesses are entering a fast-paced process as a result of creative business ideas or successful product sales, and legally securing their brand may appear to be a minor detail at the time. However, this is a huge mistake. You will, in a sense, connect the fate of your brand, which you grow and develop day by day, to the cotton thread.
According to Decree Law No. 556, trademark registration grants you the right to be a monopoly user of the trademark within the borders of Turkey and in your own sector, as well as the right to initiate legal proceedings against people who imitate your trademark.
With your trademark registration, people and organizations in your industry will be unable to use anything that is part of your brand. - Within the framework of the law, your corporate image is protected. - In the event of an imitation, your brand is legally protected. - You own the right to use your brand's domain name with the.tr extension. - The use and registration status of your trademark ® (Register) mark are declared. - Your registered logo has been safeguarded. - You will receive legal assurance in all matters, particularly signage, printed and digital publications.
Processes for Registering a Trademark
The trademark registration phase lasts approximately 7 months. If there are no deficiencies in your trademark application, you will receive a positive or negative decision within 1 or 2 months. If the decision is favorable, it is put on hold for the two-month ANNOUNCEMENT period. If no objections are raised, the trademark registration letter is issued.
Because the Trademark Registration Deficiency payment has a legal period of two months, no claim can be made for payments that are not made within the legal period. The relevant payment begins on the day of notification, and the sooner you make the payment, the sooner you will receive your document. You can read our article about the entire process and what to do if there is an objection or rejection here.
As Ikamet.com, we are always here to help you protect your brand from all threats, particularly trademark registration. For more information on trademark registration, please contact us at any time.
Frequently asked questions
Looking for more info? Here are some things we're commonly asked
What is a trade mark class?
When applying for a trade mark, you must register your mark under a class or classes of goods or services. The 45 different categories of goods or services under which you can classify your trade mark according to the NICE classification system are referred to as trade mark classes.
How many trade marks can I have?
There is no limit to the number of trade marks you can register as long as they meet the registration requirements and you are using them.
What is the Trade Mark Classification Search?
The Trade Mark Classification Search is a class system that lists common goods and services that can be protected by a trade mark.
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