Turkey's Rent Cap Extended: What Does This Mean for Landlords and Tenants?
Landlords can only raise rents by 25% yearly, even with rising inflation. This has an impact on both landlords and tenants.
Looking to make your new house a home in Turkey? Our collection of expert guides to setting up house and home in Turkey can help you do just that, whether you’re trying to get the best expat-friendly SIM card for your phone or trying to connect to the best energy supplier for your home.
Landlords can only raise rents by 25% yearly, even with rising inflation. This has an impact on both landlords and tenants.
There are plenty of food options available to you in Turkey, whether you prefer to shop at traditional markets or modern supermarkets. Read on.
Find tips on types of nannies, how to find and hire a nanny, costs, contracts, and important considerations for expats hiring a nanny in Turkey.
According to official estimates, there are around 1.3 million foreigners living in Istanbul. In Istanbul, which has a total population of over 16 million people, the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management has estimated that there are close to 1.3 million foreigners who are living in the city legally....
Discover Turkey's new $75,000 minimum requirement for foreigner residence permits. Explore property options and exciting opportunities.
Grocery Shopping in Turkey Most Turks prefer doing their weekly grocery shopping at local bazaars, as they offer the freshest and most comprehensive range of produce — fish, yufka, cheese, olives, spices, and more. Many families However, this may be hard for working couples and households or those who do not...
Home or home contents insurance is additional insurance taken out to complement existing building or earthquake insurance. It is meant to cover possessions, furnishings, white goods, electronic devices, and other personal items. The coverage and cost will vary considerably depending on the type of property owned and whether it is...
Here are some ways you can be more environmentally responsible and greener with your everyday choices in Turkey. * Choose a green energy provider The most significant renewable energy source Turkey uses is hydroelectric power; Limak Enerji and Arsan Group, for example, are a few companies that utilize this. Zorlu Energy...
It's an indisputable fact that Turks love to shop; it would not be wrong to say that it is their favorite pastime with their family and friends and their number 1 activity when they have some free time. Although most Turks would prefer to shop in person (as...