

What better way to make the most out of living in Turkey than getting out there and exploring everything it has to offer? Whether looking for the ultimate days out with the kids or planning your next Turkish dinner party at home, our expert lifestyle guides have all the information you need.

23 posts

Top 7 Must-See Christian Heritages in Istanbul

1-Hagia Sophia Built by the Eastern Roman emperor Justinian I as the Christian cathedral of Constantinople between 532 and 537, Hagia Sophia was the world's largest interior space and the first religious complex to employ a full pendentive dome. It is considered the epitome of Byzantine architecture and is said...

by Editor

Turkey: The Ultimate Adventure Playground

Whitewater Rafting in Turkey The top destinations for white water rafting in Turkey are: The Black Sea Region, Northern Turkey: * Çoruh River, Artvin: The Çoruh River, most of which passes through Artvin's Yusufeli town and 20 kilometers of which flows into Georgia, is among the world's fastest deepest flowing rivers....

by Editor
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