
A "sağlık report" (health/medical report) is essentially a doctor's note that states you are healthy and constitutes no danger to public health or society. But why or in what cases will you need to get such a report in Turkey?

In Turkey, you will be asked to provide a health report for the following cases:

  • To convert your foreign driver's license into a Turkish one
  • To apply for a new driver's license
  • To get married
  • To start work
  • To stay in a dorm room as a student
  • To apply for Turkish citizenship

Where Can I Get a Health Report?

  1. Sağlık ocağı or Aile Sağlığı Merkezi or Aile Hekimliği

The quickest and easiest way to get a health report is by visiting your nearest sağlık ocağı or aile sağlığı Merkezi, aka family health center (FHC). This is the same thing as your family doctor or local general practitioner (GP).

The only preparation you need to complete before going to an FHC is that you will need to be registered at one of your district's health centers before you can make an appointment. You can choose your own FHC online through the government's "e-Nabız" (e-Pulse) app, which records all citizens' medical records, or you can visit a nearby FHC and ask to be registered there.

You will have to have a residence permit before you can register either way. If going in person, make sure to bring your residence permit card or other address registration documents.

Once you are registered at one FHC, you will be assigned a family doctor whom you'll see every time you book an appointment.

A Word on E-nabız

You can sign up directly through by creating a new account. Or you can go about it through e-Devlet, Turkey's e-government service portal, which will be in the top left corner of the website. You can use the same credentials you use on e-Devlet to log into e-Nabız.

After you have registered yourself on the app, click on the "Aile hekimimi değiştir" (change my family doctor) option to select your location and family doctor.

The system will also ask you to enter details such as your height, weight (to calculate your BMI), and your Turkish mobile phone number.

Public Hospitals

Your second option is to go to a public hospital.

This is a much cheaper option than going private, but may mean spending a few more hours at the hospital. It all depends on how crowded it is.

If you only need a single doctor to sign your health report, public hospitals charge TL 50 or TL 100 if signed by a council of doctors for more comprehensive information.

Make sure to bring your passport for identification purposes and your residence permit card if you have received it.

To make an appointment, you have two options: call 182, the government's healthcare helpline, which is only available in Turkish, or go online to the centralized doctor appointment scheduling system to choose the doctor, hospital, and appropriate time slot for you.

You should book an appointment with an internal medicine (iç hastalıkları) doctor if you need a health report.

*Try to be there at least 10-15 minutes before your appointment time.

The doctor may ask for some blood tests or X-rays. You may have to pay for these if you do not have health insurance or are at a research and training hospital, not a state hospital.

Before you are given your report, you will be asked to head to the pay desk (vezne) to make your payment of TL 50 and collect your receipt to give it to the doctor or secretary. Bring cash, as credit cards are not accepted.

Private Hospitals

If the public hospital system seems too overwhelming and you would rather the hospital staff guide you through the process, a private hospital may be the better choice.

Depending on the area you live in and the hospital's availability, you may be lucky enough to have the option of having an English-speaking translator. Pricing at private hospitals fluctuates broadly and can range anywhere from TL 100 to TL 600 or more — depending on the tests you need and the number of doctors involved.

Before you sign or agree to any examinations or tests, make sure to ask if your insurance will be valid and ask them to draw up a rough estimate of costs as not to be surprised later.

Documents You Will Need

First and foremost, you will need some form of I.D. If you have a Turkish "kimlik," bring it with you; if not, carry your passport.

You should also have your residence permit card with you or a document showing your address.

If you have a blood type card, bring it with you, especially if you need this report for your driver's license.

Make sure to have two passport-sized photos with you.

If you wear glasses or lenses, bring them with you, along with your latest test and prescription. If you have prosthetics, let the doctor know.

If you have a chronic health condition, bring supporting documentation and let the doctor know about any medication you take regularly.

When you need more than a standard health report

Your family doctor (GP) can issue a basic health report; however, you should get a specialist's opinion if you have a more severe or chronic health condition. If your employer needs comprehensive information, you may be referred to another doctor's hospital.

This means you will need to get a "heyet report" (doctoral committee report).

You can only obtain this kind of report from a fully-fledged hospital. You will need the approval of the hospital board after gathering signatures from 6 or 7 different doctors.

You will need to see a specialist from the following departments:

  • Internal medicine/internal diseases
  • General surgery
  • Ear, nose, and throat (ENT)
  • Eye diseases/ophthalmology
  • Psychiatry
  • Neurology

Handy Turkish Phrases

Finding English-speaking personnel in big cities like Istanbul and Izmir or coastal areas such as Bodrum or Fethiye is not hard. You should be prepared by having a professional translator or a friend who can speak Turkish with you, or you can learn a few phrases to help you out.

  • For your drivers' license:

Ehliyet için sağlık raporu almaya geldim. Bana yardımcı olabilir misiniz?

(I am here to get a health report for my drivers’ license. Can you help me?)

  • To get married:

Evlilik işlemleri için sağlık raporu almaya geldim. Bana yardımcı olabilir misiniz?

  • To stay in a dorm

Öğrenci yurdunda kalabilmek için sağlık raporu almaya geldim. Bana yardımcı olabilir misiniz?