Frequently Asked Questions

Can people under temporary protection apply for a work permit?

Foreigners who have temporary protection can apply for a work permit or an exemption from needing a work permit 6 months after their Temporary Protection Identification Document is issued.

Can I apply for a long-term residency permit while I am temporarily protected?

A temporary protection identification document does not grant the right to transition to a long-term residence permit.

I'm temporarily protected; am I still eligible for health services?

Syrians who have received Temporary Protection Identity Documents and have been registered are eligible for health services in their province of residence.

Can I receive educational services if I am temporarily protected?

According to the applicable laws of the Ministry of National Education, Syrians who have been registered and given Temporary Protection Identity Documents are eligible to enroll in primary and secondary schools. With this document, they can also enroll in university courses.

Can I stay in accommodations centers if I am temporarily protected?

You can submit your request to live in an accommodation center in the province where you are registered with the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management.

Can I enter and leave Turkey with a work permit and temporary protection?

Those covered by temporary protection and with a work permit must obtain approval from the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management in the province where they were registered before traveling between cities. If they leave the country, their temporary protection cards are canceled, except for official permits issued by the Migration Management.

If you travel to a third country, will your temporary protection end?

If Syrians receiving temporary protection are relocated or admitted for humanitarian reasons to a third country, their temporary protection is terminated individually.

Where should a Syrian citizen register for Temporary Protection?

You can submit an application to the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management in the location province to register for Temporary Protection. You can contact the Kumkap and Sultanbeyli Coordination Centers for Istanbul.

Can someone with a temporary protection identity card apply for Turkish citizenship?

An identity document grants the right to remain in Turkey for temporary protection. However, the holder of this document is not permitted to apply for Turkish citizenship.

How does a Syrian receiving temporary protection record the birth of a child?

The hospital must first be contacted for a birth certificate. A document, however, may be obtained from the mukhtar if the infant is born somewhere other than a hospital (such as a home). The child is registered with the Population and Registration Center after receiving the birth certificate or further proof of the birth. The birth certificate for the child and the parents' temporary protection identity document is required for the procedure. 

Is it sufficient for the family's head to attend the appointment via the e-appointment system?

All family members must appear at the data update office on the day of the appointment, even if the head makes the household appointment.

My ID for temporary protection was lost. What should I do next?

You can apply to the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management and assign a loss/stolen report from the Police Department if the Temporary Protection ID Document is lost or stolen. You must notify the local or national newspaper about the loss if the pertinent report cannot be released. The Provincial Directorate of Migration Management will then accept your application.

My temporary protection ID is valid, and I attend university. Can I make a student residence permit application?

Syrians who are currently under temporary protection are entitled to an education. They should first visit the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management in their province to get specific information about their situation if they want to apply for a student residence permit and meet the requirements (as stated in Article 38 of the YUKK Law No. 6458).

Can you give information about the marriages of Syrians under temporary protection?

Syrians who are in temporary protection and want to get married receive a "Marriage License" indicating their marital status if they apply to the provincial directorate of migration management in their province. They can perform the formal marriage procedure with this document. According to the identity document, if any, or the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management declaration, a "marriage license" is issued.

Can Syrian citizens under temporary protection acquire citizenship by marrying a Turkish citizen?

The calculation through marriage excludes the time spent under Temporary Protection. The Presidency of Population and Citizenship Affairs is the competent body. Still, the foreign applicant has the right to do so following the provisions of Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901.

Can Syrians, under temporary protection, apply for the residence permit?

Syrians receiving temporary protection must apply for the provincial directorate of migration management to get a residence permit.

Does any institution that provides temporary protection to Syrians require Turkey to grant permission to change in accordance with the reason for their departure?

The Provincial Directorate of Migration Management in the province where they reside should receive applications from Syrians who are temporarily protected and who have been granted a temporary visa or residence permit from a third country or who wish to leave the country, along with all necessary documentation.

Which documents can Syrians with no family, no relatives, and won't be treated in the country they want to go with applying to leave for a third country?

Regardless of the reason for issuing visas or residence permits, the Provincial Governorate conducts the necessary evaluation for Syrians under temporary protection whose names appear on any such documents.

Where and with what documents should Syrians under temporary protection apply for medical care in a foreign country?

Regardless of the reason for issuing visas or residence permits, the Provincial Governorate conducts the necessary evaluation for Syrians under temporary protection whose names appear on any such documents.

Where and with which documents should Syrians, under Temporary Protection, can apply who have relatives in a third country they want to go?

Regardless of the reason for issuing visas or residence permits, the Provincial Governorate conducts the necessary evaluation for Syrians under temporary protection whose names appear on any such documents.

Where should Syrians under Temporary Protection apply if they have family members in a country where they want to be resettled and what documents do they need?

Regardless of the reason for issuing visas or residence permits, the Provincial Governorate conducts the necessary evaluation for Syrians under temporary protection whose names appear on any such documents.

What types of business are being conducted concerning foreigners who voluntarily left our country and returned?

To be eligible for temporary protection, a person who voluntarily returned to their home country must submit an application to the provincial directorate of migration management in their location. The reasons for the return will be discussed in an interview, and it will be decided whether or not the appropriate governorate can request temporary protection once more.

What procedures apply to the Syrians who voluntarily returned to their own country while under temporary protection?

The individual who has chosen to return home voluntarily while receiving temporary protection should visit the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management and complete the Voluntary Repatriation Form. The individual may leave the country through the border gates with a copy of the Voluntary Repatriation Form and the Road Permit Document. When you depart, the Temporary Protection ID Document is returned to the designated person.

How is it possible to end the Temporary Protection both individually and collectively?

The republic's president may revoke the temporary protection. This indicates that the temporary protection has been terminated collectively. Individual cases of resettlement, voluntary repatriation, receiving protection from another nation, and transfer to a death-related residence permit will result in the termination of temporary protection.

What steps must foreigners who are temporarily protected take if they want to relocate to a different city?

If a foreign national seeking temporary protection wishes to travel to another province, they must first obtain permission from the provincial directorate of migration management where they are registered. With the provided Road Permit Document, they can apply to the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management in the province where they are going if they have a valid reason, such as employment, education, health, or kinship ties. 

In which provinces can foreigners under temporary protection stay?

Temporarily protected Syrians have the right to reside in any city the Presidency deems appropriate. Our current policies forbid Syrians who are temporarily protected from harm from staying in Antalya. They may remain in all other provinces.

When does a temporary shield begin and end?

The President decides when to start and stop the temporary protection. When the temporary protection regulation went into effect on October 22, 2014, the procedure that applied to the Syrians living in our nation began. As of April 28, 2011, they were included in the temporary protection procedure.

Can Iraqi citizens be included in the temporary protection program?

Due to the events in the Syrian Arab Republic since April 28, 2011, any citizens, stateless people, or refugees from that country who have arrived at or crossed our borders, whether en masse or individually, are placed under temporary protection, even if they have requested international protection.

Who is chosen to be included in the temporary protection coverage?

The republic's presidency decides whether the temporary protection program in situations will cover those with significant immigration to our nation. 

Who will be covered within the scope of temporary protection?

Due to the events in the Syrian Arab Republic since April 28, 2011, any citizens, stateless people, or refugees from that country who have arrived at or crossed our borders, whether en masse or individually, are placed under temporary protection, even if they have requested international protection.

How and where are the temporary protection registration transactions carried out?

Procedures for registering for Temporary Protection are carried out in the registration centers chosen in the provinces. Syrians who apply for temporary protection are given a "Pre-Registration Document" with a 30-day validity period. If thought necessary, the evaluation period may be extended. A Temporary Protection Card/Foreign Presentation Certificate is given out in the event of a favorable decision.