100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Feel secure in submitting your immigration or citizenship application with the assurance of a money-back guarantee. Within 30 days of purchase, we promise you'll be completely satisfied with our services or your money back.

If you are not completely content with Ikamet, please get in touch with us at in order to receive a full refund for the agency.

How does it work?

We will respond to your request within three business days. All refund or credit requests must be made within 30 days of the original purchase date. Customers who are determined to be ineligible for our products and services may request a full refund at any time. All other refund requests outside of these policies will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

We cannot refund or credit any money paid to the government (such as filing or embassy fees) or other third parties involved in the processing of your order.

Yes, Foreign health insurance can be canceled. The purpose of issuing the Foreign Health Insurance policy is that it is compulsory for residents. Therefore, the cancellation conditions must also have a justification. Without these documents, a cancellation cannot be made. Cancellation rules are the same in all insurance companies.

We are also unable to refund any money paid to a third party, such as an independent realtor, translator, notary, or attorney providing legal services under a separate attorney agreement.

RFE Support Guarantee

If you got a Request for Evidence (RFE) or other notice from the government due to an error made by Ikamet, or if the government requested more documents, we will assist you in responding to the government at no additional charge.

If you received an RFE because you failed to submit the required papers despite Ikamet's warnings, we will charge you $495 to process modifications and dispatch a replacement application and in some cases provide a network attorney.